The Crystal Fox in Laurel, MD
Dave and I had to drive far and look hard to find this store. In a little shop on a tiny street is the Crystal Fox. It's a pretty nice store, fairly cluttered with all sorts of pagan paraphenilia. Some stuff is reasonably priced (mostly the mass manufactured stuff) but other stuff can get pretty pricey (i...
Rev Dragons Blade
Our local pagan shop just had its 27th B-day and my wife and I had a blast. They had an aura photographer, some yummy edible goodies, free-readings and 20% off of everything in the store!
Ok, now that is out of my system, how about the review? lol
Celebrations offers a wide rangeof products for just a...
After Dark Clacton UK
I have been to this store many times to get supplies, they are not a strictly pagan store as they do adult things as well but this store is just around the corner from me.
the store is located at,
Station road,
Essex, UK
they have a web site, but please make sure you are ov...
Ruby Moon...High Wycombe UK
I popped into ruby moon last weekend looking for a pressy for my mrs...fantastic, loads of stuff, and staff very friendly although i think there more new age than craft..still cant have everything..
the have a web site but right now it's down, they hope to have it back up any time now..
Fa Dra Sha Blgtn.,IN
I have to say... It is nice to finally have a pagan based store close by to get supplies. This store is easy to find, has a huge selection of herbs, and a growing selection of books. The store is run by a local Married couple and offers good advice and a warm smile. I have to give this store 4 1/2 stars ou...
Bell, Book, and Candle in Dover, DE
Dave and I have visited this store a couple of times. We stumbled upon it quite by accident. They sell quite a bit of occult paraphernalia from tools to herbs to incenses and more. Some of the stuff can be expensive, but, all in all, they are quite reasonable.
I give this store 3 stars.
Rev Dragons Blade
Insight Concepts Annapolis, MD
This store was 'ok' when Dave first started taking me to it. It didn't have a lot then, and it has even less now. It does have a nice, but expensive, selection of jewelry, but its selection of occult books leaves something to be desired.
I give this store two stars.
Rev Dragons Blade