I don't hear anyone speaking of runes anymore,I have had my runes for many years now which i made out of wood (oak).Runes just feel a lot more conected to me than cards .I don't know what i would do without my runes .Does anyone other than me feel this way..........
I know people that make their own. They buy the stones, or find stones, and make them. I have to say that while I do find the runes themselves interesting, I have never really worked with them, though I might if I had some. (Always willing to experiment, that's me.) I do have a set of rune cards...kind of like tarot cards, but they just don't....speak to me. I would actually like to get my hands of a set carved out of bone, but I imagine them to be quite expensive.
All opinions stated in my posts are just that...my opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
I recently started making them. I engrave them into polished river stones. I want to make a wooden set, but have to wait for the wood to dry out properly first. There are still a lot of people out there who are using them.
I have these glass rocks... I want to paint on them and make my own runes.. just have to find the right paint to paint on the glass and be able to protect it from wearing off ...
When you make your own runes and bless them they fill so much more conected to me ,I think i will start on a new set of stone runes for the energy from stones can answer a many of questions and anwers you might have....