Five Feathers Poetry Competition
Just FYI for all of you poets out there...
There is a Yahoo Group called 5 Feathers. It's run by a woman in South Africa that has started a temple of Corellian Wicca there. She puts out a monthly pulication (eZine) called the 5 Feathers eZine. It is an eclectic pagan eZine that I think many here would fin...
Rev Dragons Blade
The Choices Of Life
The Choices of Life
The unknown knocks at my subconsciousness,
I cower in a corner not wanting to let it in.
Fearing what it will bring,
Fearing what it will teach,
Fearing what it will show me,
I deny it access.
Time p****es and I grow in my self.
Time p****es and I regain my sel...
just a quote.....
i was`nt really sure where else to post this ,it`s not poetry but a quote i recently read,i just thought it was nice and wanted to share it..................
If you leave the Christian bible outside,eventually, the wind and rain will destroy it,my bible IS the wind and the rain.
this quote is attr...
Why We Must Hide
Hold no quelms towards those whom question, for they seek to learn the truth.
They say that They seek to help others; to bring them to God so that their souls might be welcomed to Heaven, and saved from the eturnal and fiery depths of Hell, and yet one simple question; on that would test Their belief res...
Within The Sacred Mountains
Within The Sacred Mountains
Unseen, Unnamed, Unknown Are slender, silent Shafts of gold
Every second Rock is being wrought Worn away by wind and water Layered and pressed, Earth is pressured into stone Ceaselessly, in a constant, slow dripping Adagio Magma bubbles, shapes, cools Si...
Lady an Raven
Pagan Serenity Prayer
Pagan Serenity Prayer
God and Goddess grant me:
The power of water to accept with ease and grace what I cannot change
The Power of fire for the energy and courage to change the things I can
The Power of Air for the ability to know the difference
And for the Power of Earth for...
The Tempest
This is something that was sent to me, I felt that it was beautiful and I wanted to share--
A girl alone, a girl in pain
Born from love, during a rain
Yet is different as her expressin does reveal
Walks a different path some say is not real.
Yet she and others find love here,
And joy th...
A Shamans Call
Shaman's Call
The Night Bird's call draws evening near, Stars and planets in the Darkening Sky appear, People of the day to their beds retire, Except for some Old Souls about a fire.
Sounds begin to rule the night, As the Sun's bright rays fade from sight. Evening noises begin to...
Lady an Raven
a pagan prayer
Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the Wind, Whose breath gives Life to all the world. Hear me I need your Strength and Wisdom. Let me walk in Beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple Sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your Voice. Make me Wise so...
Lady an Raven
Just a Poem
"By the bright circle of the golden sun, By the bright courses of the errant moon, By the dread potency of every star, In the mysterious Zodiac's burning girth, By each and all of these supernal signs, We do adjure thee, with this trusty blade To guard yon central oak, whose holy stem, Involves the spiri...
Lady an Raven
Before Time Was
(This is not my poem, but I feel that it is a beautiful one- so I am passing it on)
Before Time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One.
And the vast expanse known as the Universe was The One, all -wise, all-prevading, eternally changing.
And Space moved. The One molded energy into...
The Garden Path by Starchild
The Garden Path -Starchild The stars roll across the night-time sky. The wind blows the clouds across the moon. The path is shadowed by their shimmering flight. Sound is silenced in the quiet of the night. Roses fill the garden. Their scent fills the air. Magic shimmers in the mak...
Rev Dragons Blade
Dream Catchers and Lost Youth
Dream Catchers and Lost Youth (what wicca does for me)
In one single moment she dreamt up a dream, a beautiful dream a dream that was her own, her own personal goal not the first, nor last beautiful in its own unique existance in its own strand of conciousness delicate in beauty, strong in will dreams a...
The Road Of Man by Starchild
The Road Of Man -Starchild
Mother, Goddess, Moon Woman. I pray to you and you sustain me. You teach me your loving ways As I travel the road of man.
Father, God, Life Giver. I pray to you and you protect me. You lead me to knowledge immeasurable As I travel the road of man.
Earth Mother, Mother Nature...
Rev Dragons Blade
Misunderstood by Aerith
Misunderstood -Aerith
Forever damned on this god forsaken world,
Forever stuck in the depths of hell,
Forever bound to these brainless mortals who seek nothing but riches and the right to never be wrong,
Forever stranded in the land of men,
Forever kept from my sacred land,
No one knows...
Rev Dragons Blade
Judgement by Starchild
Judgement -Starchild
Waiting for me in the dark,
I see you.
Watching for me in the night,
I feel you.
Leading me down the moonlit path,
I follow you.
But now, I know who you are.
You think you have me.
You are sure of yourself and your plans.
Yet, you cannot see my heart.
Rev Dragons Blade
God Profane by Sokar
God Profane -Sokar
As I lay me Down to Sleep, In my sorrow I do Weep, Nothing Lost is Nothing Gained, When I pray my God Profane. Pain is Pleasure, Good Deeds are Sin, In this world tis just Us who wither, As God Profane draws us in. Look to the Sky, See the Saviour Rise on High, Cursing and Bla...
Rev Dragons Blade