Hope you’re doing great! I want to share a little bit with you about this month of Sagitarius. According to the teachings of Kabbalah, it is a very powerful month where we can achieve miracles and wonders in our lives, by going out of our nature to share more with others in ways we never did before. Chanukah is a very powerful opening in the universe within this month to help us connect with that potential we have to create our own miracles in life. Please feel free to learn more below, and I wish you all the best! I want to hear some miracle stories!
Rev Dave
To find out more check out these websites http://www.kabbalah.com/kabbalah/ http://www.spiritualityforkids.org/ http://www.72.com/aboutbook/aboutbook.html
-- Edited by RevDavcurand at 18:01, 2004-12-03
Many Paths.....One Goal ......All opinions stated in my posts are just that...my opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself.