I was thinking the other day about why it is that the pagan path ,leaves a bad taste in some peoples mouth.I think that the only way for things to become easier for all of us,is to approach educating the people that have misinformed concepts of what being a pagan is.I truely believe that when more pagans come together and can achieve the goal of educating and not hiding things can get better and more out there.This is not to say that pagans hide but I believe that more of us need to come together and stand fast side by side.In doing this it may be easier for those of us that feel they have no outlet to others of their own spirituality.Not to mention why should anyone that is not just a christain in this world be able to speak freely about their beliefs. Now that is not to say that pagans hold their tongue but some have to. So that is why I feel that a bigger unity of pagans in the open would be benefical to everyone.Would love to hear the concept or views that everyone has.
Actually, I believe that Pagans worldwide have begun to do this more. I started on this path a few (not saying how many as thats like saying my age lol) years ago. And I have seen many wonderful and positive changes that have occured. As well as many Pagans coming out of the proverbial "broom closet" more often. And I can only believe that it will continue.
As you know I know you, you should know that I feel it is not good for us to only say that we want more pagans in the open if we ourselves are not willing to be open to the public. How can we expect others to come out of the closet so to speak if we ourselves who are allways saying it are too afraid to come out ourselves? so in short...... Come out, come out where ever you are!!!
I Don't claim to say it was easy for my own so to say coming out of the broom closet,,it was hard,,but I felt free after that and gained the strength to stand tall to the beleifs I have.I also gained the awareness that no matter what this world can take from you they cant take your beliefs.I would hope that one day we wont even have to use the wording come out of the broom closet and I think with groups such as this one we are well on our way.
I dont exspect that anyone do anything that is not what is right for them and I am not stateing, that for those of us that it may not be so easy to come out that you are less of a follower to your beliefs. I am a true believer that in every path there is a lesson and in time that lesson will be foretold to us,,even when at times we may not know what the lesson is. So we must, each take our time and in this way I believe there will come a day when everyone that follows a path can be out of the closet.
Now here is a thought to ponder. Why is it ok for homosexuals to come out of the closet, but not so for pagans. If they are brave enough to come out and expose themselves, and get support then why can't we get the same respect. I say we can if we only just do it.
Many Paths.....One Goal ......All opinions stated in my posts are just that...my opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself.
I think it's very difficult for pagans to 'come out' as there often tends to be no support network, many are sollitary practitioners with no local contacts at all. There is also the problem of no unity within the pagan community as often when you get groups of pagans together they just end up argueing over whose path is more valid. I think with so many different paths out there it is difficult to all flock to one banner. As for those on the outside - many people are afraid of what they don't understand and they let their preconceptions rule what they think. Often these people don't want to or just wont change what they think, so pagan unity as a whole will not help those still living in communities where they are isolated.
My take on it is that we AT LEAST need to get a good majority of the Pagans today to agree on JUST ONE THING. Forget the nattering about whose path is the right path and all that malarky...because that's just wasting our time. No one's path is the right one path. At least that's what all these Pagans keep telling the Christians. Think about it.
We need to TRY to get those we know or can get in contact with to flock to the banner of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. It doesn't matter what path we follow...just that we believe everyone has the right to follow their own path. A big problem lately, it seems, is that more and more Christians are being accepting of us...but we're not accepting each other. That is the foundation of this Church...that we ACCEPT all paths, regardless of whether or not we follow them. It seems to be working here. Theoretically it can work worldwide...as long as people leave their egos at the door...now there's the real issue there.
Rev. Heidi
-- Edited by Rev Dragons Blade at 06:09, 2005-03-19
All opinions stated in my posts are just that...my opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
MM all, I agree wish I could even come out of the broom closet but, I know my town is very close minded on our path. I hope some day it will be different...We should be able to be as open as other religions are with thier faiths.
Yes, coming together in any situation is a good idea, and the internet is such a useful tool for this. Although...I've witnessed some Pagan groups/covens online and in real life that were just as crazy as some fundie christians. Someone should explain reality to some of these people before they form a group too large for the wise ones to handle and we all have to go into hiding....lol (D&D, Sailor Moon, and Silver Ravenwolf, it's all your fault). Just teasing everyone.