I was browsing another Pagan forum a while back, and I stumbled upon an opinion poll for abortion. I'm not going to say right away how I feel, but I will say that I was quite surprised by the majority's response. So I gotta ask....for it or against it?
Lots of options, because I don't want to leave anyone out.....
i can't vote cause my opinion isn't listed. but then, this topic has so many ways it can go it would be hard if not impossible to list all of the opinions.
You can check multiple boxes if that helps. (That is, if your opinion is a combination instead of just one option.) I covered the standard responses plus several more. Your anwser must be really specific, huh?
As far as the women that just go out there and sleep around without even attempting to take any precautions....Hey, it's your bed. You sleep in it.
If a woman was raped...I would dream of forcing her to carry a child conceived in rape.
It the woman's life were in danger from carrying to term...well, then it would have to be her decision.
That's pretty much my take on it. I believe life begins at conception. The energy is there, and I feel energy is life. I know not everyone shares this view..but that's the way I see it.
All opinions stated in my posts are just that...my opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
This is a touchy subject and tends to involve many emotions. Especially for me. About 7 years ago or so I was forced into making such a decision because my baby died in-utero. It was hard going through that and my body just wouldn't take care of things on it's own. As a result, I went through the same proceddure that others go for an abortion. It was painful. I don't care what people say about it not being so. It is! And to top it all off, they do an ultrasound, so you get to look at your baby for the last time. It was heart rending for me, even though I knew the baby was already gone. I can't imagine what it's like for someone making the decision to teminate their pregnancy...to see the baby on the screen in front of them. Anyways, the procedure CAN cause future problems...such as scarring your utrous. Where a uterous is scared, a baby can not attch...and sometimes this means the baby attached very low. This is what happened to me! I almost lost both my sons due to this, especially in my youngest. They threatened to do a C-section at 32 weeks :( Some how I made it to 37 weeks and was able to have him naturally. So PLEASE, if you consider such an option, take in mind what it can do to your body and future children you may want.
i find the whole topic of abortion very disconcerting,and i hope in this lifetime i never have to face such a decision. There are times i believe in it ie: incest and/or rape if it`s what the woman or girl chooses.Ultimatley it has to be a personal decision,and to outlaw it would only serve to make an already traumatic event highly dangerous.
I think it is ok if raped or something.. and or baby was highly deformed or something.. I think is her choice and be not right to outlaw it is one of the freedoms we have to choose in the USA