All opinions stated in my posts are just opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
Kelly, I have spent the last hour reading this thread and I was sending out healing energy to you and MJ.
I have missed so much while I was away.
I will contiue to think about MJ
and you just rememeber that you need time to relax a liitle, and get some sleep, as you said, you will be no good to MJ if you are in the bed next to him.
for some reason, my comp doesn't like the forum anymore. it wouldn't let me post lastnight.
ok, yesterday, his white cell count was 35,000. and his hemoglobin was back down to 8, but that' ok. he had the endoscopy yesterday, and everything looked good which is mixed news because that doesnt explain why he was bleeding wednesday.
when i went in lastnight, his stats were still stable. as i was talking to him and putting lotion on his hands and legs, he was having problems breathing. his nurse suctioned him, but that didn't seem to help.
the respitory specialist came in, and said that they should bag him. i was kicked out, (no prob) and when i came back, the nurse told me that it helped but not alot. she very kindly asked me to not touch him, that way she and find out if he's getting too much stimulation and that's what's causing his breathing probs.
sometimes i can touch him, and his stats will go down, sometimes, they go up.
but he still looks good. and he opened his eyes a bunch lastnight. he looked right at me, but i know that he didn't see me. his eyes were too glazed over.
Are they sure he doesn't have pnuemonia or something like that?
All opinions stated in my posts are just opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
don't remember if i posted that they took out one chest tube from the left, and placed a new one on the right. they found some fluid outside the lung, but between the lung and ribcage. they took samples, but since they are doing a culture, it won't be ready for atleast another day or two. we are all hoping that this is where the infection is.
ok, so we found out Sunday morning that MJ does have an infection/virus. i don't remember the name of it, but it's got something to do w/ pairs and clusters. his infectious diseases dr gave him some antibiotics and hopefully we'll know tomorrow if they are working.
his breathing is still good as are his stats. he was opening his eyes again tonight, and i told him all of the stuff mom and i were doing in the house to make it clean, and he gave me this horrible look. i told him, 'don't worry, honey, all your stuff is still there...just cleaned and packed away for a while' lol it kinda calmed him down.
but other than that, all is going as well as it can here.
ok, so....MJ is kicking rear end. his white cell count was down to 26,000. his dr is going to be removing the chest tubes, weaning him of the pain meds, and the ventilator.
his dr is being pessimestic about his kidneys. this is the same dr that told me that they would come back. but ya know what?!? if they come back. GREAT!!! if not, then no big deal. the hosp is only a few minutes away!!!
All opinions stated in my posts are just opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF
well, today they removed the last chest tube, and reduced the ventilator to 16 breaths per minute. and he was breathing in the mid 20's whic is normal.
the only things left on the IV's are the pain meds, and his food. GREAT!!!
and his WBC was down to 26,700. so things are looking kinda normal.
although, it makes ya think about what you can accecpt as normal.
took Michael to meet his teacher at the school. he likes her. and she seems really nice. the school is abundant w/ Xtians, but what do you expect from a Xtian school, lol
glad to hear m j is getting a little better each day,and it`s good to know you`re a little better too, after joking around the other night i was glad that you seemed a little more like your old self. the strain of a loved one being sick can be very and light still goes out to you both talk to you soon
Kelly, although I haven't been posting lately, I have been checking on MJ's progress here each day, and have been keeping you and him and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Delighted to see he's improving and you're holding up, although I know it's a long, hard road.
Hang in there and keep updating us....
Noncooperation with evil is as much a responsibility as cooperation with good.
-Ghandi ..... There is no excuse for willful blindness or voluntary ignorance.
i apologize for not updating, but AOL is PMS'ing again...even now, my connection is iffy...
found out lastnight, that the fentanol is a sedative. so he's only on that and the ativan. and lastnight, his doc reduced both by half! he's getting agressive about getting MJ off the fentanol and getting him awake. we'll have to see how that goes, cause MJ didn't like it at all when it was first done, but he did settle down after a while!
Michael is doing good in school. infact, they are having a spagetti dinner next thursday, so Michael and i have a dinner date. and saturday, i'm either taking him to the beach, or to see that penguin movie.
we are doing alright over here...still hard to see him like that. OH...he does have 2 bedsores, but they haven't broken down yet, so they are doing everything that they can to prevent that from happening.
thank you all so much for your continued prayers, thoughts, and energy. i can't tell you how much it means to my entire family!!!
he is producing alot of urine, (it's relative to what he's been producing)...he was moving his right hand around alot, they'll probably have to restrain him again soon. he had a fever of 103.1 and at about 8:30pm it was down to 102.7 they have been taking cultures again. i know that he probably has another infection, which is fine, but his body is also taking care of the damaged and dying cells. he opened his eyes again, wide, but didn't focus. also fine.
i'm taking Michael to see march of the penguins tomorrow. he had 3 kick butt days at school. so, we'll have the movie tomorrow, and the dinner thursday! lol
i kept saying that 'mj should be awake by this time next week' so i'm not saying it again. i know that he'll wake up. but being that he's a stubborn man, it'll be on his time frame. (big idiot!!!)
ok, the latest as of lastnight....his white cell count was 23,000. he had a fever, 100.7, they bumped up the fentanol, just a lil bit though... and his right hand was moving around alot!
he also tried to kiss me back lastnight. LOL, aint life grand???
took michael to that movie, he loved it, and i fell asleep. shows how exciting i am! LOL
when i went in tonight, he was having trouble breathing. they bumped up the vent again. it's now doing 25bpm and the oxygen is up to 60%, it was 50% lastnight, and 40% saturday night.
apperantly, the dr's think that when they were bagging him when he came in, they might have done some damage to his brain, because everytime they bring down the fentanol, his stats go crazy. i'm going up in the morning after i take michael to school, and try to find out when the dr's will be in.
on a lighter note, i was standing by his bed, and he kept pursing his lips. i asked him if he wanted me to kiss him, and he pursed them again. i kissed him, and he stopped! lol. what a wunnerful man i married...too bad he's an idiot! lol
alrighty, here's the latest...they have him medically paralysed. he wasn't regulating his heart rate or breathing, so rather than let him exhaust himself, they paralysed him. (not sure how i feel about that!)
there's nothing really new going on. still doing the wait and see thing. going crazy, but what else is new? lol
MM everyone...i'm sorry about not updating you all...but things have been grrrrr at home.
MJ is off the ativan. he's now on fentanol, and versed to keep him asleep, and tracruim which is the paralitic.
his breathing and heart rate seem to be leveling off, and every night i go in, he's looking more and more comfortable.
his one dr said that his kidneys have not come back all. i honestly thought that they were starting to, but then i found out that he'd need to produce X amount of urine every 2 hours for a total of X cc's per shift. he's not doing that, but he is producing some. i'm not really worried about his kidneys. if they don't come back, there is a dialysis center down the street, and the hosp is 5 minutes there are a lot of people that would give him one of theirs.
mm everyone...he's doing better. i went in today after i took the test, and he had about 25cc's of urine in the container. i was there about an hour, and he produced over 100cc's. so it looks like his kidneys are coming back.
it also looks like he has mrsa. so probably tomorrow, he'll be in isolation. but his nurse tonight said that it would only be for about a week or so.