These are the rules of this section, and they will be stringently enforced.
1. Any posts in this section are the personal opinions of members of this forum and do not in anyway reflect the opinions of CEPF, the organization, as a whole.
2. These are OPINIONS, and they may be opinions on some rather controversial subjects. As such, they ARE open to discussion. They ARE NOT open to bashing, flaming, name calling, or derogatory statements of any type. Those disobeying this rule will receive an IMMEDIATE BAN from the ENTIRE forum. There will be NO WARNINGS, so mind your manners. (Any ban imposed is an IP ban, so any member that receives such a ban cannot come back under a different name.)
3. Anyone posting an opinion will do so in the most respectful way possible. For example, any opinions expressed in such a way as "I hate Christians because they are a bunch of bigotted, egotistical ______." will be deleted IMMEDIATELY. Any opinion, even a very strong one, can be posted and discussed in a calm and reasonable mannor. I expect people to act accordingly.
Future rules may be developed as needed. I expect everyone to behave with the high standards we have come to expect from CEPF members and guests.
Rev. Heidi L. Andrews
-- Edited by Rev Dragons Blade at 17:16, 2005-10-04
All opinions stated in my posts are just opinions...and should not be held in any way as the opinions of the CEPF Board of Directors or of anyone other than myself. - Rev. Heidi Andrews VP CEPF