lo all... I realized recently that I really have isolated myself a lot more than I thought from interacting with fellow pagans. I am a solitary practitioner, and with the lack of "support" it seems even my private celebrations have become null. I think I cut myself off from others because my path is not well defined, and I have a hard time sharing celebrations that don't truly depict what I feel to be truth. This epiphany all from a friend asking if I would be doing anything for the Equinox. I had planned on creating my own solitary rituals that have a better feel to it, but y'know how "life" can alter your course. My job is one of those high-stress ones, and my SO and I are now working on moving inter-state. But there will always be something, so... Even though I have difficulty participating in traditions I don't fully believe in, I still believe that all paths are valid. I am happy to discover your community, and hope my participation here can help me become more involved with a part of myself a sorely miss... Thank you.