These are the rules of this section, and they will be stringently enforced.
1. Any posts in this section are the personal opinions of members of this forum and do not in anyway reflect the opinions of CEPF, the organization, as a whole.
2. These are OPINIONS, and...
Rev Dragons Blade
I Became a Demon Plaything
I Became a Demon Play Thing - I was raped, defiled, and deceived by demons, repeatedly I am writing this to save my sisters and brothers from the evil that almost devoured me and it is not at all easy for me. I would rather forget all of this, truly. But I cant let what happened to me happen to you. The demon...
Politicians going amok during Christmas?
Political correctness gone amok?
Ok I recieved this from a good friend, it is quite an interesting story that the Reuters paper puts out. Now I am usually not interested in the news, but its Christmas, and to be honest, this is crazy stuff in here.
And I agree with my friend..." I think people sould s...
Why do today's Pagans believe things would've been better under a Dem. President?
Ok, so any of you that know me know that I really don't follow politics the way some people do. But I do follow the news, and I listen to what both sides say. Then I form an opinion based on my own obersvations.
Recently I joined a Yahoo! Group called Pagans Across America. I figured what the hey, at leas...
Rev Dragons Blade